Residential Painting
Making the choice to paint your home is a big step. The choices are dizzying. What colours do you choose? Warm, cool, traditional or contemporary? Which sheen will you select? Should you paint the entire room or just an accent wall? Victoria House Painters can help you navigate the world of paint. This should be an exciting time, not one filled with anxiety. We incorporate colour therapy when painting multi-family dwellings and single family homes. The product specialist will ask you what you want to feel upon entering your abode. We have invested a great deal of time and money into discovering highly saturated eco-friendly paints designed to keep you and your loved ones safe.
Multi-Family Dwellings Victoria House Painters possesses the equipment, know-how and skilled labour necessary to paint multi-family dwellings. We have worked with property managers, owners and tenants throughout Victoria, BC to render the most beautiful finishes. Boost the value of your property with a blemish free paint job. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for your bottom line. Tenants are less reticent to pay their monthly rent when they can see that their money is going to good use. A bright, new facelift can also attract higher caliber renters. Residential painting fees will fit neatly within your budget. Single Family Homes Are you interested in painting your primary home or vacation property? Enlist Victoria House Painters to transform your house from boring to stunning. Boost your curb appeal and increase your property value. Our team of talented painters is adept at painting interiors and exteriors. We can even assist with color selection. If you’re looking for a painting contractor that won’t cut corners and uses superior quality paint, look no further. Perhaps you’ve been dreaming of a change. You don’t need to move. What you need is a fresh coat of paint to broaden your lens. ‘Green’ Paints Paint has come a long way since it was laden with lead. Instead of opting for typical latex paint, Victoria House Painters has invested in highly saturated eco-friendly paints suitable for interiors and exteriors. The paints we have chosen don’t leave your home smelling like toxic chemicals after our job is done. When you cross the threshold, you will be met with vibrant paint without the high VOC content stench. We give you the opportunity to protect your loved ones from noxious odors and endocrine disruptors. The paints we stock are sourced locally at wholesale prices to help you save money. Affordable Painting Competitor’s prices don’t compare. We are able to keep paint costs low because we work with a variety of Canadian vendors that offer wholesale prices. This saves you money in the long run while simultaneously boosting the local economy. We only work with veteran painters. Each professional has a minimum of five years experience. This means that we don’t need to spend much time laying drop cloths and taping. Our painter’s hands are so precise that prep time is minimal. The amount of time spent on each job is diminished due to the talent level of a highly vetted team. |